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Soil Test Kit 2pk

Soil Test Kit 2pk

Regular price $11.99 NZD
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These handy little kits will help give you an idea prior to planting what the pH level of your soil is without the need to buy an expensive pH meter. 

What is ph? Essentially is is the acidity within your soil, so when buying new plants for an established or new garden, it is important to test the pH of your soil to ensure the acidity levels are correct. Your soil’s pH levels may differ in different parts of the garden so it's always good to check or get a starting point.

pH and your soil - pH describes how acid or alkaline a soil is. A reading of pH7 is neutral, above means chalky, alkaline soil,  whilst readings below pH7 down to pH4 indicate an acidic soil.

How to test your soil:

Take a sample of the soil from about 10cm below the surface. Remove cap from tube, taking care to not spill the powder within. Add the soil to the powder up to the first line. Add water (preferably boiled) to the fourth line. Replace cap and shake thoroughly. Allow soil to settle. Compare the colour of the liquid solution to the pH chart.

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